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Vincent, Daddy’s Home (Loma Vista Recordings) Mykki Blanco, Broken Hearts and Beauty Sleep (Transgressive Records) Halsey, If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power (Capitol Records) Lil Nas X, MONTERO (Columbia Records) (WINNER)īrandi Carlile, In These Silent Days (Low Country Sound/Elektra Records)īROCKHAMPTON, ROADRUNNER: NEW LIGHT, NEW MACHINE (RCA Records/Question Everything)ĭemi Lovato, Dancing with the Devil… the Art of Starting Over (Island Records)Įlton John, The Lockdown Sessions (Interscope Records) Kolzak Award from Andrew Garfield.Ī full list of winners from the NY ceremony follows. ceremony, Kacey Musgraves received the Vanguard Award from Ben Platt, and Michaela Jaé Rodriguez received the Stephen F. The GLAAD Media Awards honor fair, accurate and inclusive representations of LGBTQ people and issues.Īt the L.A. New York native Wilson Cruz accepted the Vito Russo Award, which is presented to an LGBTQ media professional who has made a significant difference in accelerating LGBTQ acceptance. GLAAD Media Awards: Wilson Cruz to Receive Vito Russo Award for LGBTQ Advocacy

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